Customer management
The customer section allows you to manage a series of information related to the registered customer.
At the registration level, the customer enters his personal data, can then update them in his own ‘user area’ section, where he can also see his orders

The section is accessed by clicking on the tab (TAB), most of the sections are self-explanatory, we point out only the most interesting:
Customer roles: the ROLE is the categorization of a customer, the role can be associated with price lists, discounts, and some behaviors (such as free tax-exempt shipping), to associate a customer with a role you must first create the role in the appropriate section.
Current cart, allows you to see the cart that the customer has active, sometimes the cart remains abandoned, with the appropriate attention it can become a marketing tool.
Place an order (impersonate) allows the site administrator to impersonate his customer (useful, for example, to place an order with the customer in the shop or support a customer in difficulty, to all intents and purposes it is as if the order were done by the customer himself.
Order Approval: Visible ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE PURCHASED THE RFQ MODULE (allows you to indicate whether the customer is an Approver or a Requester)